Our Philosophy

At The Concierge CFO, we get the challenges you face, especially if you're a woman running a mental health business pulling in over $100k/year.

Our philosophy?

It's all about being practical, straight to the point, and empowering you to hit those financial goals and secure the freedom you're craving.

Here's the deal - mental health practitioners are as skilled as doctors or surgeons, and we're not buying into the idea that financial success is off-limits for those in the helping biz. Forget the one-size-fits-all wealth model; we're all about embracing the diverse experiences of BIPOC folks and women. No more guilt-tripping around money - let's explore the many paths to wealth together.

You’ve been sleeping on yourself. It’s time for your identity to expand and you to rock that business owner hat proudly!

Impact, service, and accessibility are important, but also revenue and profit. It’s hard to serve well when your schedule is packed with clients, a few cancellations could mean a missed car note, and you’re scared to grow because you don’t feel like you can handle it.

We get it.

Dealing with irregular income, battling money guilt, and juggling debts can make anyone want to pull their hair out.

But we got you!

At The Concierge CFO, we're not just about financial success. We're about you having the freedom to invest in yourself and others.

Let's ditch the limits, figure out together how to run your business, and build a mental health business that's a winner, both in your pocket and your heart.